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Smart Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions

We’re here to answer all of your Smart Liposuction frequently asked question about fat removal and fat transfer. Have other questions? Contact us and we’ll be happy to answer or schedule a free consultation.

How Much Does Smart Liposuction Cost?

Smart Liposuction at New Radiance is affordable costing $2,000 – $10,000 less than other area surgeons. Procedure costs range from $3,500 up depending on the number of areas addressed. Multiple financing options are available with payments that equate to less than the cost of a cup of store-bought coffee per day. Smart Liposuction is safe, effective, fast, and affordable.* For a complete description of how the price with or without fat transfer is determined, visit: How Much Does Smart Liposuction Cost?

Without General Anesthesia is There Any Pain or Discomfort?

The procedure uses only local anesthetic to avoid the risks of general anesthesia. It involves minimal discomfort as all areas are anesthetized using local anesthetic. Prior to the procedure, local anesthesia is injected in the areas of fat to be removed to minimize and alleviate any discomfort. *

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

Smart Liposuction is safe and fast, you walk in and walk out. The time to perform the procedure varies depending on the amount of fat to be removed and the specific areas but typically requires only 1-3 hours because you never even go under general anesthesia, eliminating those risks altogether. .*

Can Both Women and Men Get the Procedure?

Of course! Many women AND men choose the procedure to reduce abdomen fat. Men often desire fat removal for more defined abdominal muscles and an overall flatter appearance of the abdomen. Women often desire a slimmer, tighter abdomen. The procedure can help achieve the goals of both women and men by removing fat almost anywhere!*

Can the Procedure Tighten Loose Skin?

Smart Liposuction is highly effective for reducing fat on the abdomen and other areas of the body. It may result in some skin tightening in the treated area. However, regular liposuction is not a skin tightening treatment. To get you the results you desire, Smart Liposuction performs laser treatment during your procedure to tighten loose skin.*

Is one procedure enough to see substantial results?

Every patient’s procedure plan is customized to meet their specific goals. The quantity of fat that can be removed during a Smart Liposuction procedure is up to 4 liters which is almost 10 pounds of fat and therefore you will immediately see very substantial and very visible results with just one procedure. While every person is unique and results vary, many people obtain desirable results with just one procedure. Patients desiring a larger volume of fat removal than can be performed in a single procedure may elect to have an additional procedure.*

Where are the Smart Liposuction Procedures Performed?

Smart Liposuction procedures are performed in-office at multiple New Radiance Cosmetic Centers locations.

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